Alba elektrometer gui


The alba electrometers are mainly controlled by a web interface

How to start it:

  • Go to the webbrowser: and go to the appropriate URL

  1. aemexp2: http://b316a-a101630-aem-temp-01:8888 (This is the primary for the endstation)

  2. aemexp:

  3. aemoh:

  4. aemslit: http://b316a-ea01-ctl-aem-temp-01:8888

What does it do?

Allows you to see the current currents and change settings

When do I need to use it?

  • When doing XAS-measurements, you need to have the appropriate measurement range on the elektrometer. Go here to change the range

How to change range

  • Copy the hostname in the top right e.g.

  • Unlock the settings by clicking the small lock, the hostname is the password

  • Set the range for your channel