# Veritas Manual Welcome to the manual for the Vertias beamline. ```{figure} img/fisheye_v3_lores.png --- class: with-border --- Fisheye of the Veritas spectrometer from above the sample position. Photo: L. Kjellsson ``` Offline PDF documentation can be downloaded here: veritasmanual.pdf. Build time: {sub-ref}`today` ```{toctree} --- caption: Beamline Information maxdepth: 2 hidden: true --- Beamline.md ``` ```{toctree} --- caption: User information maxdepth: 2 hidden: true --- GeneralUsers/UserInterfaces/index.md GeneralUsers/Guides/index.md GeneralUsers/OfflineAnalysis/index.md GeneralUsers/troubleshooting.md GeneralUsers/wifi.md GeneralUsers/FAQ.md ``` ```{toctree} --- caption: Staff information maxdepth: 2 hidden: true --- InternalInfo/index.md ``` Source code for this manual can be found at [https://gitlab.maxiv.lu.se/veritas/veritasmanual](https://gitlab.maxiv.lu.se/veritas/veritasmanual)